Sankofa Film Series at the Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Heritage Center and Musuem
Starting in January, 2018, the Friends of the Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Heritage Center and Museum will host a monthly film series that will feature guest speakers and community conversations about contemporary and historical subjects taking place in African-American culture and history.
The purpose of the film series is to spark conversations and ideas that can create social change at the local level.
The events are free and open to the public. Concessions will be available for attendees.
3700 Blue Parkway Kansas City, MO 64130
Movie Time 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Saturday Movie Dates
Jan 13—Black America since MLK
Feb 17—Destination Planet Negro
Mar 24– Hidden Figures
April 7—Beyond Vietnam
May 19—A Tribute to Malcom X